Instrument Flight Rating Course

General Information

The instrument rating allows you to fly as Pilot In Command under the Instrument Flight Rules; this means you can fly in cloud, at night and conduct instrument approaches. FlyOz conducts training for both Single EngineMulti Engine and Private (PIFR) instrument ratings.

Fly Oz can design a specific package to suit your experience and/or needs. Contact us to arrange this.

Course Requirements

Single Engine Syllabus

Completed in our IFR Piper Warrior aircraft


38 Hours Flying

Including 15hrs simulator and 23hrs in the aircraft.


1 Flight Test

Instrument Rating Flight Test.


3 Weeks

Completed full-time Monday to Friday, weekly. Course can be tailored to individual needs.



Package deal including all syllabus flying hours, ground theory, flight test and landing fees.

Multi Engine Syllabus

Completed in a BE76 aircraft, including Class Rating.


38 Hours Flying

Including 15hrs simulator and 23hrs in the aircraft.


1 Flight Test

Multi Engine and Instrument Rating Flight Test (combined).


4 weeks

Completed Monday to Friday, weekly. Course can be tailored to individual needs.



Package deal including all syllabus flying hours, ground theory, flight test and landing fees. With an existing class rating, the package cost is $20,900.

Charter Ready Instrument Rating

Completed in a Beechcraft Baron, including Class Rating.


38 Hours Flying

Including 15hrs simulator and 23hrs in the aircraft.


1 Flight Test

Multi Engine and Instrument Rating Flight Test (combined).


4 weeks

Completed Monday to Friday, weekly. Course can be tailored to individual needs.



Package deal including all syllabus flying hours, ground theory, flight test and landing fees. With an existing class rating, the package cost is $26,900.